PLOP DS (Digital Signature) is founded on PDFlib PLOP. PDFlib PLOP DS adds the capability to apply digital signatures and digitally sign PDF documents. PDFlib PLOP DS supports PDF 2.0 according to ISO 32000-2 and PAdES signatures which are required by the European eIDAS regulation  and the latest standards in digital signature technology including.

PDFlib PLOP DS PDFlib PLOP DS 5.4 Linux License type: License type: 1 - 4 licences. Email [email protected] for up to 60% volume discount
PDFlib PLOP DS PDFlib PLOP DS 5.4 OS X Desktop License type: License type: 1 - 4 licences. Email [email protected] for up to 60% volume discount
PDFlib PLOP DS PDFlib PLOP DS 5.4 Windows Desktop License type: License type: 1 - 4 licences. Email [email protected] for up to 60% volume discount
PDFlib PLOP DS PDFlib PLOP DS 5.4 Windows Server License type: License type: 1 - 4 licences. Email [email protected] for up to 60% volume discount


PLOP DS (Digital Signature) is founded on PDFlib PLOP. PDFlib PLOP DS adds the capability to apply digital signatures and digitally sign PDF documents. PDFlib PLOP DS supports PDF 2.0 according to ISO 32000-2 and PAdES signatures which are required by the European eIDAS regulation  and the latest standards in digital signature technology including.

PDFlib PLOP DS applies digital signatures which can be validated with Adobe Reader, Acrobat or any other validator that supports PDF signatures. PLOP DS is able to read the signer’s digital ID (the certificate plus corresponding private key) from the Windows certificate store or a secure hardware token a disk file or memory. The digital ID is used to create a cryptographic signature for the PDF document. 

Digital Signatures can be added in an incremental PDF update section to maintain current signatures and document composition, or by rewriting the document composition which allows the document to be optimised and encrypted.

Validation information can be stored in a Document Security Store (DSS) as specified in ISO 32000-2 and PAdES part 4 or directly in the signature according to ISO 32000-1.