PDFlib PLOP is a robust and flexible tool for Linearising, Optimising, Repairing, Analysing, Encrypting and Decrypting PDF documents. Developers are able to linearise and optimise PDF documents with PLOP and create light and interactive PDF documents for high-speed Web delivery. The protection features of PLOP can be used to encrypt or decrypt PDF documents and amend permission settings, including “content extraction not allowed”. Or “printing not allowed”.
Document information entries and XMP metadata can be retrieved and set in a PDF/A and PDF/X conforming manner.
With PLOP’s repair mode developers canb automatically detect damaged and fix issues in a PDF document. PLOP analysis features can be used to interrogate random properties of a PDF document.
Apply passwords and set permission restrictions to prevent the document from being printed, disallow text extraction or modification, etc. with strong AES-256 encryption and Unicode passwords.