IronOCR for .NET
IronOCR is a C# software library that enables .NET platform developers to recognize and read text from images and PDF documents with the help of the world's most advanced Tesseract engine.
IronOCR is a C# software library that enables .NET platform developers to recognize and read text from images and PDF documents with the help of the world's most advanced Tesseract engine.
Read and process text from images, Multi Page and Frame TIFF and GIF, System.Drawing Objects and PDF documents to achieve 99.8%+ OCR accuracy with IronOCR’s C# OCR library.
With over 127 language packs, IronOCR’s Tesseract 5 OCR engine can output content as structured data, text strings or searchable PDFs. Low quality barcodes are automatically corrected to ensure maximum throughput and efficiency.
Core Features: