IronBarcode for .NET

IronBarcode for .NET

Use IronBarcode to generate barcodes & QR codes and read from scanned images.

Using this C# library .NET developers can build solutions to read and write QR and Barcodes with a few lines of code. Codes can be read from one or multiple pages of PDF documents or multipage TIFFs.

IronBarcode for .NET Lite - Perpetual + 1 Year Product Updates and Support License type: One - Developer, Location, Project
IronBarcode for .NET Lite - Perpetual + 5 Year Product Updates and Support License type: One - Developer, Location, Project
IronBarcode for .NET Professional - Perpetual + 1 Year Product Updates and Support License type: Three - Developers, Locations, Projects
IronBarcode for .NET Professional - Perpetual + 5 Year Product Updates and Support License type: Three - Developers, Locations, Projects
IronBarcode for .NET Professional with Royalty-Free Redistribution (Saas & OEM) - Perpetual + 1 Year Product Updates and Support License type: Three - Developers, Locations, Projects
IronBarcode for .NET Professional with Royalty-Free Redistribution (Saas & OEM) - Perpetual + 5 Year Product Updates and Support License type: Three - Developers, Locations, Projects
IronBarcode for .NET Unlimited - Perpetual + 1 Year Product Updates and Support License type: Ten - Developers, Locations, Projects
IronBarcode for .NET Unlimited - Perpetual + 5 Year Product Updates and Support License type: Ten - Developers, Locations, Projects
IronBarcode for .NET Unlimited with Royalty-Free Redistribution (Saas & OEM) - Perpetual + 1 Year Product Updates and Support License type: Ten - Developers, Locations, Projects
IronBarcode for .NET Unlimited with Royalty-Free Redistribution (Saas & OEM) - Perpetual + 5 Year Product Updates and Support License type: Ten - Developers, Locations, Projects


Generate barcodes & QR codes and read from scanned images.

Using this C# library .NET developers can build solutions to read and write QR and barcodes with a few lines of code. Codes can be read from one or multiple pages of PDF documents or multipage TIFFs.

This feature-rich library allows developers to style QR and barcodes include resizing barcodes, setting margins, changing background colours, changing barcode colours, verifying that the output barcode is still readable, and exporting HTML from a generated barcode. It can export a barcode as a standalone HTML document with no external assets, as a standalone HTML tag, or as a data URI.

For QR codes, having a logo graphic placed and snapped to grid in the exact centre of the image is easy. Logos can be coloured to match a specific brand or graphic identity.

Core Features:

  • 2-Dimensional Matrix Barcode Formats supporting Text, Numbers and Binary Data
  • QR Code, Aztec, and Data Matrix .NET reading & creation
  • Modern Linear Barcode Formats supporting Text, Numbers and Binary Data
  • Older Linear Barcode Formats supporting Numeric codes only


Jpeg, Jpeg2000, Png, Bmp, Tiff & Gif Image formats from files
System.Drawing.Image, System.Drawing.Bitmap Objects and System.IO.Stream
Read one or many frames from within multi-page GIF and TIFF images
Read Barcodes from PDF documents on single, multiple or all pages
Specify the reader to scan for 1, many or all BarcodeFormats for greater accuracy and performance
Choose to specify Crop Areas within scanned document regions to increase accuracy and efficiency
BarcodeResult image objects, can be disabled to further increase performance
Automatically managed Multithreading for batch barcode scanning and and also for reading multiple pages within Multi-Frame Tiffs, Gifs and PDFs
Document noise and contrast correction to read imperfect scans and photographs
Orientation correction which will un-rotate and remove perspective from images to make distorted barcodes readable
Repairs small (thumbnail) images or land digital noise within barcodes to make them readable
Full support of all native image formats including opacity
Text barcode Data. all .NET text encodings supported, default as UTF-8)
Numerica Data
Binary Data
A System.Drawing.Bitmap of the Barcode which was read
Null checking
Automatic checking, correction addition of checksums such as GTIN checksums for UPC-A and UPC-E barcodes
Aware of format lengths and will zero pad numbers to ensure valid barcodes are generated
A detailed Exception model comprising of 7 custom exception types which guides developers to solve critical issues giving detailed error messages.
Encodes text, urls, binary data (byte[], streams) and numbers depending on format support.
Static BarcodeWriter class makes creating a barcode image a 1 line code task.
Resizing while automatically keeping valid barcode proportions.
Add margins / borders
Check final image dimensions
Recoloring barcodes and their backgrounds
Verify barcodes are readable after styling using a single method call
Add text annotations or print the barcode values automatically above or below any barcode using any installed typeface. Features automatic text sizing and positioning.
Save as Image Files Jpeg, Jpeg2000, Png, Bmp, TiIf & Gif Image formats
Save as Image Streams
Save to System.Drawing.Image
Save to System.Drawing.Bitmap
Save to System.IO.Stream
Save to a DataURI for inline embedding in HTML
Save to a complete HTML img with the full barcode image embedded
Save as an HTML File
SaveAs PDF File, PDF Stream or PDF binary data
Stamp / Annotate onto a set position within an Existing PDF
Custom QR Error Correction settings allowing barcodes to become faster to read and more fault tolerant
Add Logos to QR codes with automatic "snap to QR grid" image alignment
Support for coloured QR codes
