DevExpress DevExpress Express Navigation Pack
DevExpress Express Navigation Pack

DevExpress Express Navigation Pack

ExpressNavigationPack is a developer library that developers can use to add enhanced functionality and features to their VCL applications. The functionality includes Skinning, Ribbon, Toolbar, Layout and a lot more. The ExpressNavigationPack is included in DevExpress’s comprehensive VCL solution.

DevExpress Express Navigation Pack Includes Layout Manager, Data Editors, Skins Bars, Ribbon, Docking, NavBar Single Developer
DevExpress Express Navigation Pack Includes Layout Manager, Data Editors, Skins Bars, Ribbon, Docking, NavBar 2-5 Developers
DevExpress Express Navigation Pack Includes Layout Manager, Data Editors, Skins Bars, Ribbon, Docking, NavBar 5-10 Developers


ExpressNavigationPack is a developer library that developers can use to add enhanced functionality and features to their VCL applications. The functionality includes Skinning, Ribbon, Toolbar, Layout and a lot more. The ExpressNavigationPack is included in DevExpress’s comprehensive VCL solution.

ExpressNavigationPack includes the following components:

  • ExpressNavBar Suite: Windows Explorer and Outlook Side Bars,  Office Navigation Pane views
  • ExpressBars Suite: MS Office Style Main Menu, Context Menu, Status Bar, Ribbon, Toolbars, Controls and Visual Studio style Dock Windows.
  • ExpressSkins Library: Application-wide skinning library providing a slick, user-focused choice inspired by current software products and unique skins provided  by DevExpress
  • ExpressLayout Control: Form layout customisation controls to arrange controls and make them dynamically resizeable with the container
  • ExpressEditors
  • ExpressRibbon Suite
  • ExpressDocking Library
