Aspose Aspose.3D for Java
Aspose.3D for Java

Aspose.3D for Java

Standalone Gameware and CAD API to Automate, Save and Create 3D files without external modelling & rendering software

Aspose.3D for Java Developer Small Business License type: - Single Developer, Single Location Deployment
Aspose.3D for Java Developer OEM License type: - Single Developer, Unlimited Deployment
Aspose.3D for Java Site Small Business License type: - Up to 10 Developers, 10 Location Deployment
Aspose.3D for Java Site Developer OEM License type: - Up to 10 Developers, 10 Location Deployment
Aspose.3D for Java Developer SDK, Single Developer And 50 Commercial Deployments License type: Developer SDK, Single Developer And 50 Commercial Deployments
Aspose.3D for Java Site SDK, Up to 10 Developers And 250 Commercial Deployments License type: Site SDK, Up to 10 Developers And 250 Commercial Deployments


Aspose.3D for Java is an advanced API that provides developers with a library to automate Gameware and Computer-Aided-Designing (CAD) API documents without requiring any rendering and 3D modelling software. The library supports STL (ASCII, Binary), Universal3D, Collada, glTF, GLB, PLY, DirectX, Discreet3DS, WavefrontOBJ, FBX (ASCII, Binary) and Google Draco file formats, and much more.

Developers can easily modify, create, read, convert, and control the elements of 3D document formats.

The Aspose.3D for Java API and can be deployed in Java applications without worrying about and 3rdparty modules and services.

Aspose.3D Input/Output Formats

  • GL Transmission: glTF (ASCII/Binary)
  • Autodesk: FBX 7.2 to 7.5 (ASCII/Binary)
  • 3D Systems CAD: STL (ASCII/Binary)
  • Wavefront: OBJ
  • Discreet 3D Studio: 3DS
  • Universal3D: U3D
  • Collada: DAE
  • Google Draco: DRC
  • RVM (Text/Binary)
  • Portable Document Format: PDF
  • Others: AMF, PLY (ASCII/Binary), A3DW

Aspose.3D Input Formats

  • DirectX: X (ASCII/Binary)
  • Siemens: JT
  • ASE
  • DXF
  • 3MF (3D Manufacturing Format)
  • VRML

Aspose.3D Output Formats

  • HTML

3D File Conversion
The Aspose.3d for Java API gives developers a set of algorithms, making it a comprehensive solution for the conversion of  3D file formats. The conversion is as straightforward as changing the target file extension. The conversion takes place in 2 simple steps; Load the source file in an instance of Scene, call its Save method with an appropriate File Format parameter. Conversion done!

3D Scene Creation
Aspose.3D for Java gives developers an easy way to generate scenes from scratch without requiring any 3D rendering or modelling component. They can also use Aspose.3D Java library to save the scenes in various formats (FBX, Discreet3DS, STL, WavefrontOBJ, Universal3D, and Collada) by simply calling the Save method of the Scene class object.

Add Asset Information to 3D Scenes
The Aspose.3D for Java library gives developers the feature set to define Scene Metadata. Metadata is structured information to describe, locate, and retrieve, use, and manage information resources.

Create 3D Mesh & Graphic Shapes
The Aspose.3D for Java library provides developers with the ability to build a mesh of diverse 3D geometric shapes, define polygons and control points to create meshes, and point a mesh to many shape type instances. Developers can also position 3D shapes accurately on a 3D scene.

Share Mesh Geometry Data with Multiple Nodes
To use computer memory efficiently single Mesh instances can be linked to many Node instances. To build a solution with a significate number of 3D cubes developers can free up memory by dynamically creating Mesh objects on system startup. Subsequent Mesh objects can then be added incrementally. Which provides efficient 3D object instancing.

Triangulate Mesh with Custom Memory Layout of Vertex
Converting a mesh to a triangle mesh simplifies complex structures by representing them as a set of triangles. Graphic software and hardware operate more efficiently with triangles. The memory layout of Vertex is important when feeding Graphics Processing Unit because it must understand the vertex layout to extract accurate buffer attributes.

Independent of any 3rd Party Software
The Aspose.3D API is developed with native code that does not depend on any external software or API installation to work with 3D files. It is a bespoke solution of supported features, security, stability, scalability and speed.


Advanced Java 3D API Features
Generate scene and save in supported formats
Load, save and render 3D document to a stream
Work with geometry and scene hierarchy
Share mesh geometry data within multiple nodes
Add animation property to the scene file
Triangulate a Mesh with custom memory layout of the vertex
Add a target camera as well as animate objects in a 3D scene
Split meshes by material
Change plane's orientation by specifying an up normal
Create geometry by extruding shapes
Enhance the creation of cylinder
Archive-based file format-detection
support of AMF format
Import and export glTF documents using Draco compression