Aspose.Cells for JasperReports is a robust JasperServer and JasperReports extension that provides developers with the ability to export reports in Microsoft Excel ODS, XLS, XLSX, PDF, TXT and SpreadsheetML formats without requiring Microsoft Excel. It is an alternative to JasperReports' original Microsoft Excel exporter and eliminates dependency on the POI library.
Aspose.Cells for JasperReports Output Formats
- Microsoft Excel: XLS, XLSX
- OpenOffice: ODS
- SpreadsheetML: XML
- Fixed Layout: PDF
- Text: CSV, TSV, Tab-Delimited
Export Reports to MS Excel Formats
The Aspose.Cells for JasperReports API allow developers to export reports to MSExcel formats like XLSX and XLS. Developers can also export the reports in ODS, CSV ,SpreadsheetML & Tab-delimited formats.
High Fidelity Report Design
Aspose.Cells for JasperReports export reports to all supported formats with the high fidelity, such that the output is identical to the Report design
Editable Spreadsheets
The Aspose.Cells for JasperReports API exports Excel documents as editable spreadsheets. MS Excel charts and any chart exported via the Aspose.Cells for JasperReports rendering engine available as an editable chart rather than a static picture. This permits end-users to alter charts manually in Microsoft Excel.
No Microsoft Office Automation Required
Aspose.Cells for JasperReports exporter is developed from the ground up with 100% managed code that does not require MSExcel or MSOffice to work with Excel document formats. It is the preferred alternative to Microsoft Excel automation in scalability, stability, supported features, security, price, and speed.